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Gentle文雅, kindly和譪
Persuasive有說服力, convincing心悅誠服
Humble謙遜, reserved有保留, modest適度的
Original獨創性, inventive善於創造, individualistic個人主義的
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Attractive有吸引力, charming迷人的, attracts others吸引人
Cooperative協力的, agreeable一致的
Stubborn頑固的, unyielding不屈的
Sweet和譪, pleasing令人喜愛
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Easily led流利地, follower跟從者
Bold勇敢, daring有膽量
Loyal忠誠, faithful可靠. Devoted虔誠的
Charming迷人的, delightful令人愉快
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Open-minded開放的心, receptive能接納的
Obliging親切, helpful幫助的
Willpower意志力, strong-willed堅定的
Cheerful欣然的, joyful歡喜的
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Jovial愉快, joking幽默
Precise精確, exact細心
Nervy勇氣, gutsy膽大, brazen厚顏
Even-tempered平和, clam沉默, not easily excited不易興奮
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Competitive競爭的, seeking to win好勝
Considerate體諒, caring照顧, thoughtful體貼
Outgoing外向, fun-loving愛歡笑, socially striving活躍
Harmonious和睦, agreeable一致的
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Fussy愛挑剔, hard to please麻煩
Obedient服從, will do as told順從, dutiful守本份
Unconquerable強硬, determined堅決
Playful好玩耍, frisky歡鬧, full of fun開心
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Brave冒險, unafraid不怕的, courageous大膽
Inspiring鼓舞人, stimulating刺激的, motivating推動
Submissive柔順, yielding屈從, gives in
Timid羞怯, shy膽怯, quiet從容
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Sociable社交的, enjoys the company of others聯誼
Patient有耐性, steady堅定, tolerant忍耐的
Self-reliant自立, independent獨立
Soft-spoken溫柔, mild溫和, reserved保留
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Adventurous冒險的, willing to take chances敢於挑戰
Receptive能接納, open to suggestions接受建議
Cordial真摯, warm溫暖, friendly友善
Moderate穩健, avoids extremes中容
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Talkative建談, chatty繞舌的
Controlled克制, restrained拘謹的
Conventional傳統的, doing it the usual way常規, customary慣常
Decisive果斷, certain肯定, firm in making a decision決斷
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Polished精練, smooth talker能言
Daring膽量, risk-taker冒險者
Diplomatic老練, tactful to people機智
Satisfied感滿意, content滿足, pleased高興的
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Aggressive進取, challenger挑戰者,takes action行動者
Life of the party, outgoing外向,entertaining使人娛樂
Easy mark, easily taken advantage of易被佔便宜
Fearful擔心, afraid畏懼
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Cautious謹慎, warm溫暖, careful仔細
Determined決定的, decided堅決, unwavering不動搖
Convincing有力的, assuring確信
Good-natured友善, pleasant親切
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Willing願意, go along with積極參與
Eager熱切, anxious渴望
Agreeable一致的, consenting無異議的
High-spirited生氣勃勃, lively活潑, enthusiastic熱心的
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Confident有信心, believes in self自信, assured確實
Sympathetic有同情心, compassionate慈悲
Assertive獨斷, aggressive進取
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Well-disciplined有紀律, self-controlled自律
Generous寬大, willing to share愛分享
Animated活潑, uses gestures for expression善用身體語話
Persistent固執, unrelenting冷酷, refuses to quit拒絕放棄
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Admirable欽佩的, deserving of praise值得贊美
Kind仁慈, willing to give or help樂於助人
Resigned認命的, gives in容易放棄
Force of character權威, powerful有權力
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Respectful尊重人, shows respect表現尊重
Pioneering先驅, exploring探險家, enterprising
Optimistic樂觀, positive view正面
Accommodating親切, ready to help愛幫助人
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Argumentative好辯的, confronting對質
Adaptable能適應, flexible有彈性
Nonchalant冷漠, casually indifferent冷淡
Light-hearted好心腸, carefree無憂無慮
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Trusting不疑的, faith in others信任他人
Contented滿足, satisfied滿意
Positive正面, admitting no doubt顯然無疑問
Peaceful和平, tranquil安靜
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Good-mixer好的混合器, likes being with others與人相交
Cultured有教養, educated有修養, knowledgeable博學的
Vigorous精力充沛, energetic精力旺盛
Lenient寬大, tolerant of others' actions無所謂
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Companionable好交往, easy to be with容易相處
Accurate精明, correct正確
Outspoken坦率, speaks freely and boldly口直心快
Restrained限制的, reserved保留, controlled
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Restless煩躁的, unable to rest or relax坐立不安
Neighborly睦鄰, friendly友善
Popular有名望, liked by many or most people受歡迎
Orderly有秩序, neat端正的, organized有規律的